Refereed Journal Publications
- , Yu, X., Zhou, X., Zhang, M., Mooney, 2022, “Enhancing earth pressure balance tunnel boring machine performance with support vector regression and particle swarm optimization, Journal: Automation in Construction,” Automation in Construction, 142.
- L. Tao, M. Bowman, X. Zhou, Zhang, 2022, “Learn and Transfer Knowledge of Preferred Assistance Strategies in Semi-autonomous Telemanipulation”, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 104(3), 1-16.
- Jamnikar, N. D., Liu, S., Brice, C., & Zhang, X. (2022). “In situ microstructure property prediction by modeling molten pool-quality relations for wire-feed laser additive manufacturing,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 79, 803-814.
- Jamnikar, N. D., Liu, S., Brice, C., & Zhang, X. (2022). “In-process comprehensive prediction of bead geometry for laser wire-feed DED system using molten pool sensing data and multi-modality CNN,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-15.
- S. Liu, C. Brice, X. Zhang, “Hierarchical Bead Materials Multi-property Design for Wire-feed Laser Additive Manufacturing,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, #JMP3664.
- Liu, C. Brice, X. Zhang, “Interrelated process-geometry-microstructure relationships for wire-feed laser additive manufacturing,” Materials Today Communications, 2022: 103794.
* denotes student authors; † denotes clinical collaborators; # denotes the corresponding author
Refereed Journal Publications
- Tao L., Bowman M., Zhang J., Zhang X., 2021, “Forming real-world human-robot cooperation for tasks with general goal,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(2), pp. 762-769.
- *Liu, S., #Stebner, A.P., Kappes, B.B, #Zhang, X., 2021, “Machine Learning for Knowledge Transfer Across Multiple Metals Additive Manufacturing Printers,” Additive Manufacturing, 39, pp. 101877.
- *Liu, S., Kappes, B.B., Amin-Ahmadi, B., Benafan, O., #Zhang, X., #Stebner, A.P., 2021, “Physics-informed machine learning for composition-process-property design: shape memory alloy demonstration,” Applied Materials Today, 22, pp. 100898.
- *Liu, R., Liu, S., #Zhang, X., 2021, “A Physics-Informed Machine Learning Model for Porosity Analysis in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 113 (7), pp. 1943-1958.
- Luo, L., Tang, L., Liu, R., Zhang, X., Yang, Z., 2021, “Multi-modality Learning for Non-rigid 3D Shape Retrieval via Structured Sparsity Regularizations”, IEEE Sensors Journal,
- Vuliminri, P.S., Deng, H., Dugast F., Zhang, X., To, A.C., 2021, “Integrating geometric data into topology optimization via neural style transfer,” Materials, 14(16), pgs: 45-51.
- Luo, L., Tang, L., Liu, R., Zhang, X., Yang, Z., 2021, “Multi-modality Learning for Non-rigid 3D Shape Retrieval via Structured Sparsity Regularizations”, IEEE Sensors Journal,
Conference Presentations
- Tao, L., Bowman, M., Zhang, J., Zhang, X., 2021, “Learn Task First or Learn Human Partner First: A Hierarchical Task Decomposition Method for Human-Robot Cooperation”, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Oct. 17-20, Melbourne, Australia.
- Bowman, M., Zhang, X., 2021, “Dynamic Pre-Grasp Planning When Tracing a Moving Object through a Multi-Agent Perspective”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Sept. 27-Oct. 1, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Li, S., Zhang, J., “Predictive Attention Allocation in Supervising Multiple Robots for Search and Rescue Tasks”, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Oct. 17-20, Melbourne, Australia.
- An, H., Bowman, M., Li, S., Zhang, X., Robot-Enhanced Telepresence of Remote Teachers for Effective Distance Learning, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), Sanya, China, December 6-9.
- Stanley, M., Tao, Li., Zhang, X., Robust Motion Mapping Between Human and Humanoids Using CycleAutoencoder, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), Sanya, China, December 6-9.
* denotes student authors; † denotes clinical collaborators; # denotes the corresponding author
Refereed Journal Publications
- Johnson, N.S., Vulimiri, P.S., To, A.C., Zhang, X., Brice, C.A., Kappes, B.B., Stebner, A.P., 2020, “Machine learning for materials developments in metals additive manufacturing,” Additive Manufacturing, 36, pp. 101641.
- *Li, S., *Bowman, M., *Nobarani, H., #Zhang X., 2020, “Inference of Manipulation Intent in Teleoperation for Robotic Assistance,” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems,
Conference Presentations
- King, J., *Ghiglieri, C., *Bowman, M., Zhang, X., “Development of an Active Learning Model for Control Rod Behavior to Improve Data-Driven Reactor Control”, 2020 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, Mar. 15–19, 2020, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
- *Stanley, M., *Bowman, M., King, J., Zhang, X., “Data-Driven Uncertainty-Aware Nuclear Power Plant Sensor Modeling,” 2020 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, Mar. 15–19, 2020, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Papers in Preparation
- Liu, R., Geerlings, H., Moorthy, S., Kappes, B., Stebner, A., #Zhang, X., “A Physics Informed Machine Learning Model for In-Depth Porosity Analysis in Metal Additive Manufacturing.”
- Liu, R., Liu, S., Moorthy, S., Kappes, B., Stebner, A., #Zhang, X., “Part Similarity Measurement for Goal-Guided Experiment Simplification in Metal Additive Manufacturing.”
* denotes student authors; † denotes clinical collaborators; # denotes the corresponding author
Refereed Journal Publications
- *Zhou, X. and #Zhang X., 2019, “Multi-Objective-Optimization Based Auto-Tuning of Control Parameters for Quadrotors Equipped with a Robotic Arm,” International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 16(1):1–13.
- *Liu, R. and #Zhang X., 2019, Methodologies for Realizing Natural-Language-Based Human-Robot Cooperation: A Review, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 16(3):1–17.
Conference Presentations
- *Zhou, X., Zhang, J., #Zhang X., “Self-Reflective Motion Control Strategy for Persistent Autonomy in Aerial Manipulator,” ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Oct. 8–11, 2019, Park City, Utah, USA.
- Lin, X., Zhang, J., Shang, J., Wang, Y., Yu, H., Zhang, X., “Decision Making through Occluded Intersections for Autonomous Driving,” IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Oct. 27–30, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand.
- *Bowman, M., *Li, S., Zhang, X. “Intent-Uncertainty-Aware Grasp Planning for Robust Robot Assistance in Telemanipulation,” International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 17–21, 2019, Montreal, Canada.
- Kappes B., *Moorthy S., *Geerlings H., *Johnson N., *Gallmeyer T., Amin-Ahmadi B., *Liu R., Zhang X., Meredig B., #Stebner A., “Modeling Process–Structure–Process Relationships in Additively Manufactured Alloys with Machine Learning and Materials Informatics,” TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Mar. 10–14, 2019, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- *Liu S., Amin-Ahmadi B., Kappes B., Stebner B., #Zhang X., “Adaptive Design of Experiments for Acceleration the Developments of Additive Manufacturing NiTiHf Shape Memory Alloys,” TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Mar. 10–14, 2019, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- *Liu, S., Kappes, B., Stebner A., #Zhang X., “Comprehensive Quality Assurance of Additive Manufacturing Ti-6Al-4V by Learning from Prior Studies”, TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Mar. 10–14, 2019, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
* denotes student authors; † denotes clinical collaborators; # denotes the corresponding author
Refereed Journal Publications
- *Liu, R., #Zhang, X., 2018, “Generating Machine-Executable Plan from Human’s Natural Instructions,” Knowledge-Based Systems, 140(C):15–26. (IF:4.529; rank in AI: top 11%)
Conference Presentations
- Mooney, M., Mokhtari S., *Yu, H., *Zhou, X., Zhang, X., 2018, “EPB TBM Performance Prediction on the University Link U230 Project,” In North American Tunneling (NAT) Conference.
* denotes student authors; † denotes clinical collaborators; # denotes the corresponding author
Refereed Journal Publications
- *Li, S., #Zhang, X., and Webb, J., 2017, “3D-Gaze-based Robotic Grasping through Mimicking Human Visuomotor Function for People with Motion Impairments,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 64(12):2824–2835.
- *Li, S., and #Zhang, X., 2017, “Implicit Intention Communication in Human-Robot Interaction through Visual Behaviour Studies,” IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 47(4):437–448.
- *Li. S., *Webb, J., #Zhang, X., and Nelson, C.A., 2017, “User Evaluation of a Novel Eye-based Control Modality for Robot-Assisted Object Retrieval,” Advanced Robotics, 31(7):382–393.
* denotes student authors; † denotes clinical collaborators; # denotes the corresponding author
Refereed Journal Publications
- *Liu R. and #Zhang X., Zhang H., 2016, “Web-Video-Mining-supported Workflow Modeling for Robotic Surgeries,” Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 74:9–20.
- *Liu, R., #Zhang, X., 2016, “Context-Specific Grounding of Web Natural Descriptions to Human-Centered Situations,” Knowledge-Based Systems, 111:1–16.
- *Liu, R., #Zhang, X., 2016, “Fuzzy-Context-Specific Intention Inference for Robotic Caregiving,” International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. DOI 10.1177/1729881416662780.
Conference Presentations
- *Craig, T.L., Nelson, C.A., *Li, S., Zhang X., “Human Gaze Commands Classification: A Shape Based Approach to Interfacing with Robots,” 12th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications, August 29–31, 2016, Auckland, New Zealand.
- *Webb J., *Li S., #Zhang X., “Using Visuomotor Tendencies to Increase Control Performance in Teleoperation,” 2016 American Control Conference, July 6-8, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- *Zhou X., *Liu R., Zhang J., #Zhang X., “Stabilization of a Quadrotor with Uncertian Suspended Load using Sliding Mode Control,” 2016 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 21–24, 2016, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
- *Liu R., *Webb J., #Zhang X., “Natural-Language-Instructed Industrial Task Execution,” 2016 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 21–24, 2016, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
* denotes student authors; † denotes clinical collaborators; # denotes the corresponding author
Refereed Journal Publications
- *Liu, R., #Zhang, X., 2015, “Understanding Human Behaviors with an Object Functional Role Perspective for Robotics,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 8(1):115–127.
- Nelson, C., Zhang, X., *Webb, J., *Li, S., 2015, “Fuzzy Control for Gaze-Guided Personal Assistance Robots: Simulation and Experimental Application,” International Journal on Advanced in Intelligent Systems, 8(1–2):77–84.
- *Li, S., #Zhang, X., †Kim, F., †Silva, R.D.S., †Gustafson, D., and Molina, W., 2015, “Attention-Aware Robotic Laparoscope based on Fuzzy Interpretation of Eye Gaze Patterns,” ASME Journal of Medical Devices, DOI: 10.1115/1.4030608.
Conference Presentations
- Zhang, X., Steele, J., “Visual Behavior Study for Welding Skill Evaluation and Training,” American Welding Society FABTECH Conference, November 9–12, 2015, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- *Liu, R., #Zhang, X., *Webb, J., *Li, S., “Context-Specific Intention Awareness through Web Query in Robotic Caregiving,” 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2015), May 26–30, 2015, Seattle, Washington, USA.
* denotes student authors; † denotes clinical collaborators; # denotes the corresponding author
Refereed Journal Publications
- Nouaille, L., Poisson, G., Zhang, X., and Nelson C.A., 2014, “Method of Dimensional Optimization of Spherical Robots for Medical Applications using Specialized indices,” Transaction on Advanced Robotics, 28(3):173–186.
Conference Presentations
- *Li, S., and #Zhang, X., “Implicit Human Intention Inference through Gaze Cues for People with Limited Motion Ability,” 2014 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA 2014), Aug. 3–6, 2014, Tianjin, China.
- *Li, S., #Zhang, X., “Eye-Movement-based Objective Real-time Quantification of Patient’s Mental Engagement in Rehabilitation: A Preliminary Study,” 2014 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA 2014), Aug. 3–6, 2014, Tianjin, China.
- *Liu, L., #Zhang, X., *Li, S., “Use Context to Understand User’s Implicit Intentions in Activities of Daily Living,” 2014 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA 2014), Aug. 3–6, 2014, Tianjin, China.
* denotes student authors; † denotes clinical collaborators; # denotes the corresponding author
Refereed Journal Publications
- *Lu, K., Jing, M., Zhang, X., and Liu, H., 2013, “Optimization of sequential subdivision of depth of cut in turning operations using dynamic programming,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 68(5–8):1733–1744.
- To, C. W., Fu, J., and Zhang, X., 2013, “Analytical Solutions of a Class of Nonlinear Single Degree-of-Freedom Systems to Non-stationary Random Excitations,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics,139(10).
- *Lu, K., Jing, M., Zhang, X., Dong, G., and Liu, H., 2013, “An Effective Optimization Algorithm for Multipass Turning of Flexible Workpieces,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, DOI: 10.1007/s10845-013-0838-7.
Conference Presentations
- *Li, S., Zhang, J., *Xue, L., †Kim, F., #Zhang, X., “Attention-Aware Robotic Laparoscope for Human-Robot Cooperative Surgery,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Dec. 12–14, 2013, Shenzhen, China.
- Zhang, X., *Xue, L., *Li, S., †Kim, F., “Digital Human Modeling for Ergonomic Evaluation of Patient Table Height,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Dec. 12–14, 2013, Shenzhen, China.
- Zhang, X., *Li, S., Zhang, J., †Williams, H., “Gaze Contingent Control for a Robotic Laparoscope Holder,” ASME Design of Medical Devices conference, Apr. 8–11, 2013, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
* denotes student authors; † denotes clinical collaborators; # denotes the corresponding author
Refereed Journal Publications
- Zhang, X., Nelson, C. A., and † Oleynikov, D., 2012, “Usability Assessment of Two Different Control Modes for the Master Console of a Laparoscopic Surgical Robot,” Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 3(1):105–123.
- *Lu, K., Liu, H., Zhang, X., and Jing, M., 2012, “On Dynamics of Slender Shaft in Single-point Turning,” American Scientific Publishers, Advanced Science Letters, 6(1):459–463.
- *Lu, K., Liu, H., Jing, M., Zhang, X., 2012, “A Reconfigurable System of Chatter Stability Evaluation and Monitoring for Industrial Machining Processes,” International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation, 2(4):277–285.
Conference Presentations
- Zhang, X., *Li, S., and Zhang, J., “Human-robot Interaction Using Gaze Contingent for Promoting Independent Living,” BMES 2012 Annual Meeting, Oct. 24–27, 2012, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
- Zhang, X., Nelson, C., *Li, S., Ridley, R., and †Rukstalis, D., “A Novel Low Cost Robot for Skill Training in Minimally Invasive Surgery,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Aug. 12–15, 2012, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Zhang, X., “Accurate Range Estimation using Terrain Preview for Power Wheelchairs,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Aug. 12–15, 2012, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- *Lu, K., Zhang, X., Jing, M. Liu, H., Ghorieshi, J., and Ridley, R., “Optimization of Machining Conditions in Turning Processes by Dynamic Programming,” ASME Dynamic System and Control Conference & Motion and Vibration Conference, Oct. 17–19, 2012, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA.
- *Li, S., Zhang, X., and Nelson, C., “A Robot Calibration Method for Minimally Invasive Surgery,” ASME Design of Medical Devices, Apr. 12–14, 2012, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
* denotes student authors; † denotes clinical collaborators; # denotes the corresponding author
Conference Presentations
- Zhang, X., *Li, S., and *Roszel, G., “Sensorless Haptic Feedback in a Surgical Robot for Telesurgery,” ASME Design of Medical Devices, Apr. 12–14, 2011, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
- Zhang, X., *Chin, W. J., *Seow, C. W., *Nakamura, A., *Head, M., Farritor, S. M., Oleynikov, D., and Nelson, C. A., 2011. “Multifunction Robotic Platform for Natural Orifice Surgery,” Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 18, Feb. 8–12, 2011, Newport Beach, California, USA.
* denotes student authors; † denotes clinical collaborators; # denotes the corresponding author
Refereed Journal Papers
- Zhang, X., and Nelson, C.A., 2010, “Multiple-Criteria Kinematic Optimization for the Design of Spherical Serial Mechanism Using Genetic Algorithm,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design (Impact factor: 1.103; rank: 18/107), 133(1):011005–011015.
- Zhang, X., and Nelson, C.A., 2010, “On the Dynamic Modeling of a Bevel-Geared Surgical Robotic Mechanism,” ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 4(4):041002–041013. Top ten most downloaded articles.
- Nelson, C.A., Zhang, X., Guthrie, A., 2010, “Automatic Laparoscope Tracking in Minimally Invasive Surgery using Compact Robots,” International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 5(Suppl 1):143–144.
Conference Presentations
- Zhang, X., *Seow, C.W., *Chin, W.J., *Nakamura, A., *Head, M., Farritor, S.M., Oleynikov, D., and Nelson, C.A.. “Robotic Multifunction Tools for Natural Orifice Surgery,” American College of Surgeons 96th Annual Clinical Congress, Oct. 3–7, 2010, Washington, D.C.
- Nelson C., Zhang X., and *Guthrie A., “Automatic Laparoscope Tracking in Minimally Invasive Surgery Using Compact Robots,” Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 24th International Congress and Exhibition, Jun. 23–26, 2010, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Zhang, X., Nelson, C.A., and †Oleynikov, D., “Natural Haptic Interface for Single-port Surgical Robot with Gravity Compensation,” Minimally Invasive Robotic Association Annual Meeting, Jan. 27–30, 2010, San Diego, California, USA.
- Zhang, X. and Nelson, C.A., “Multiple-Criteria Kinematic Optimization for the Design of Spherical Serial Mechanism Using Genetic Algorithm,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Aug. 15–18, 2010, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- Zhang, X. and Nelson, C.A., “On the Dynamic Modeling of a Bevel-Geared Surgical Robotic Mechanism,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Aug. 15–18, 2010, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- Nelson, C.A. and Zhang, X., “Equivalent Mechanisms Techniques for Redesign of a Spherical Surgical Tool Manipulator,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Aug. 15–18, 2010, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
* denotes student authors; † denotes clinical collaborators; # denotes the corresponding author
Refereed Journal Papers
- Nelson, C.A., Zhang, X., Buettner, S., and Oleynikov, D., 2009, “Tool Guidance Using a Compact Robotic Assistant,” Journal of Robotic Surgery, 3(3):171–173.
- Nelson, C.A., Zhang, X., †Shah, B.C., †Goede, M.R., and †Oleynikov, D., 2009, “Multipurpose Surgical Robot as a Laparoscope Assistant,” Surgical Endoscopy (Impact factor: 3.09, rank: 17/166), 24(7):1528–1532.
Conference Presentations
- Zhang, X., Lehman, A.C., Nelson, C.A., Farritor, S.M., and †Oleynikov, D., “Cooperative Robotic Assistant for Laparoscopic Surgery: CoBRASurge,’’ IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Oct. 11–15, 2009, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
- Nelson, C.A., Zhang, X., Shah, B.C., Goede, R.M., and †Oleynikov, D., “Multipurpose Surgical Robot as a Laparoscope Assistant,” Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Apr. 22–25, 2009, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
- Nelson, C.A., Zhang, X., and †Oleynikov, D., “Tool Guidance Using a Compact Robotic Assistant,” Minimally Invasive Robotic Association Annual Meeting, Jan. 28–Feb. 1, 2009, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
- Zhang, X., †Oleynikov, D., and Nelson, C.A., “Portable Tool Positioning Robot for Telesurgery,” Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 17, Jan. 19–22, 2009, Long Beach, California, USA, 142:438–434.
* denotes student authors; † denotes clinical collaborators; # denotes the corresponding author
Refereed Journal Papers
- Zhang, X., and Nelson, C. A., 2008, “Kinematic Analysis and Optimization of a Novel Robot for Surgical Tool Manipulation,” ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 2(2):021003.1–021003.8. Top ten most downloaded articles.
Conference Presentations
- Zhang, X., and Nelson, C.A., “Compact Robot for Surgeon-in-the-Loop Control,” BMES Annual Meeting, Oct. 1–4, 2008, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
- Zhang, X., and Nelson, C.A., “Kinematic Analysis and Optimization of a Novel Robot for Surgical Tool Manipulation,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Aug. 3–6, 2008, Brooklyn, New York, USA.
* denotes student authors; † denotes clinical collaborators; # denotes the corresponding author
Refereed Journal Papers
- Jing, M., and Zhang, X., 2007, “Research on Fault Diagnosis of Diesel Engine Based on ART-BP Neural Network,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (in Chinese), 4:412–416.
Conference Presentations
- Xiong, L., Zhang, X., “Research on Fault Diagnosis of Diesel Engine Based on Hybrid Neural Network,” 2006 International Conference on Marine Maintenance and Repairing, Oct. 26–27, 2006, Wuhan, HuBei, China.

Xiaoli Zhang, PhD
Brown Hall W310A
1610 Illinois St. | Golden, CO 80401
303-384-2343 |