IRSL alum Rui Lui accepts position at Kent State University
IRSL alum Rui Liu accepts faculty position at Kent State University. Congrats!
IRSL key part of ONR program “Robotic Laser Wire Additive Manufacturing System with Comprehensive Quality Assurance Framework”
2018.11: IRSL is a key part of the newly awarded Office of Naval Research program titled “Robotic Laser Wire Additive Manufacturing System with Comprehensive Quality Assurance Framework.”
IRSL receives grant from Battelle Energy Alliance: “Big, Deep and Smart Data to Support VTR Experiment Design and Validation”
2018.11: IRSL received a grant from Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC, "Big, Deep, and Smart Data to Support VTR Experiment Design and Validation."
IRSL key part of NSF program “IUCRC: Center for Manufacturing & Materials Joining Innovation Center (Ma2JIC)”
2018.08: IRSL is a key part of the newly awarded NSF program titled “IUCRC: Center for Manufacturing & Materials Joining Innovation Center (Ma2JIC)”.
IRSL receives grant from Takumi Tech: “Development of an Automated Material Handling System for Paper Roll Warehouse”
2018.06: IRSL received a grant from Takumi Tech. on “Development of an Automated Material Handling System for Paper Roll Warehouse.”
IRSL plays key role in $2.7M DOD-OEA award for Mountain West Advanced Manufacturers Network
2017.09: IRSL is a key part of the newly established $2.7M DOD-OEA Award for Mountain West Advanced Manufacturers Network and will lead the Intelligent Knowledge-Sharing Machine Network!
Prof. Xiaoli Zhang awarded NSF CAREER program: “Goal-Guided Self-Reflective Control Interface in Teleoperation”
2017.01: Prof. Xiaoli Zhang was awarded an NSF Career program titled "CAREER: Goal-Guided Self-Reflective Control Interface in Teleoperation."
Xiaoli Zhang, PhD
Brown Hall W310A
1610 Illinois St. | Golden, CO 80401
303-384-2343 |